Earn Your Free $50 Nailboo Gift Card

Facebook or Instagram may ask you about your experience with Nailboo. Leave us a review when it’s requested. Positive reviews really help our business! We'll send you a free $50 Nailboo gift card. Your positive review is greatly appreciated!

You may be notified on Facebook


or be notified on Instagram


or be notified by email.


*request can come anytime within a week to over a month since date of purchase


  1. Respond to Facebook or Instagram's review request
  2. Take a screenshot of review before and after you submit
  3. Send the screenshot to our team
  4. Specify email you'd like to receive gift card

Where to send: 

  • Email: support@nailboo.com
  • Subject: FB review submission (store credit)
  • Attach: screenshot of review before and after you submit